The place where we had been educated to be a good kid. Place where we usually played hide and seek every afternoon before Qur'an class started. True friendship, learned abc's, fight each other to then make friend again. Hmm... Feels like yesterday. In fact, it was almost twenty years ago.
Seems nothing really different. This building remains lovely, and of course full of memory.
"Idul Adha 1432 H"
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Morning trip
It's been a while for me not to use this bus to go to campus, perhaps a year. Riding motor cycle in a rainy day is not a good choice eventhough you are equipped with a rain coat.
The weather is not quiet friendly here. A nonstop rain since yesterday can just flood up city. How everything is alright
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Day 3 Pic

As the 2nd day Bakti Farmasi has passed, the 3rd day would be the most relieving day. Then, capturing best moments in the morning is a good thing to do. I got so many shots but unfortunately there's no mobile signal for communication and internet so I couldn't directly upload it.
Ya, at least the committee has chosen a good place to do this social event: village which is away from the city and thus away from mobile signal
Location: Kampung Dalam Kab. Padang Pariaman.
Event: Bakti Farmasi XXVII by Faculty of Pharmacy, Univ. of Andalas
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Waiting for passengers

Is there anyone of you who loves waiting??? I can guess what you will normally answer.
Unfortunately, that is what we do this afternoon on a trip to Padang Pariaman for Bakti Farmasi this Saturday. Ya, we have to wait for a few guys and friends twice. First in the departure spot, and again in Katapiang branch (By Pass)
Putting everything right on schedule can be troublesome, sometime...
*ngetem at By Pass
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MiniTool Partition Wizard
It's the first time for me to use this hard drive partition tool. Previously, I used to employ Paragon partition magic for this purpose, but someone recommended me to try this tool. It seems the same, but let me just try.
I really wonder whether this tool can create partition faster rather than what I used before.
You know, creating hard drive partition is bit a big deal in windows 7. We can do it simply from computer management utility. But, WinXP needs an extremely longer time to do this thing.
Wish everything is going alright for this partition. Wish me luck...
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I really wonder whether this tool can create partition faster rather than what I used before.
You know, creating hard drive partition is bit a big deal in windows 7. We can do it simply from computer management utility. But, WinXP needs an extremely longer time to do this thing.
Wish everything is going alright for this partition. Wish me luck...
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All about spectrum
It will be another work I should do in the near future: measuring the quantity of nitric oxide in the blood of lab animals previously treated with various treatments. The equipment used is spectrophotometer.
Nitric oxide is one of the component in the wall of blood vessel that functions to dilate and relax the vessels, thus lower the blood pressure.
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Nitric oxide is one of the component in the wall of blood vessel that functions to dilate and relax the vessels, thus lower the blood pressure.
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Setengah Tablet
Saya mau sedikit bercerita tentang kesalahan dalam penggunaan obat. Awalnya saya agak surprise juga ketika mengetahui ada tablet parasetamol yang sudah tinggal separuh di atas meja. Mengapa surprise? Ya karena saya tidak menyangka bahwa kesalahan seperti ini ternyata bisa saja terjadi.
Ketika menemukan tablet yang sudah tinggal separuh ini, saya mengasumsikan bahwa separuhnya lagi sudah diminum. Ya kebetulan memang ada beberapa orang yang lagi demam di rumah ini. Saya dapat menebak bahwa barangkali sang peminum separuh parasetamol beranggapan bahwa "Ahh.. Demam saya kan cuma demam ringan dan bukan demam tinggi... Minum separuh aja ahh.." Dan saya yakin tebakan saya ini cenderung benar.
Nah, sekarang apa yang salah? Hmm... Ada kesalahan besar di sini sodara-sodara. Ketika dosis obat yang diminum tidak mencukupi dosis minimumnya dimana ia bisa bisa memberikan khasiat dalam tubuh, maka ia memang tidak akan memberikan khasiat bagi tubuh, sebab separuh dosis pastinya tidak akan mencapai konsentrasi terapi di dalam tubuh. Dan dalam kasus ini, parasetamol tersebut memang tidak akan memberikan khasiat dalam menurunkan suhu tubuh. Dengan kata lain, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penetapan dan pemilihan dosis obat bukanlah hal yang main-main. Serangkaian penelitian harus dilaksanakan untuk memperoleh data tentang dosis ini.
Di dalam ilmu farmasi, hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan dosis obat banyak di bahas dalam topik farmakokinetika. Tak hanya itu, farmakokinetika membahas segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan perjalanan obat di dalam tubuh sampai obat tersebut dikeluarkan dari dalam tubuh.
Karena banyak sekali yang perlu anda ketahui tentang obat-obat yang anda minum, maka jangan ragu untuk menanyakannya kepada apoteker anda. Apoteker adalah orang yang semestinya dapat menyelamatkan anda dari "jahatnya" obat dan merubahnya menjadi sesuatu yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup anda.
Oh ya... Barangkali perlu saya sampaikan bahwa minum separuh dosis sebenarnya memang ada kok. Misalnya pada pasien anak.
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Ketika menemukan tablet yang sudah tinggal separuh ini, saya mengasumsikan bahwa separuhnya lagi sudah diminum. Ya kebetulan memang ada beberapa orang yang lagi demam di rumah ini. Saya dapat menebak bahwa barangkali sang peminum separuh parasetamol beranggapan bahwa "Ahh.. Demam saya kan cuma demam ringan dan bukan demam tinggi... Minum separuh aja ahh.." Dan saya yakin tebakan saya ini cenderung benar.
Nah, sekarang apa yang salah? Hmm... Ada kesalahan besar di sini sodara-sodara. Ketika dosis obat yang diminum tidak mencukupi dosis minimumnya dimana ia bisa bisa memberikan khasiat dalam tubuh, maka ia memang tidak akan memberikan khasiat bagi tubuh, sebab separuh dosis pastinya tidak akan mencapai konsentrasi terapi di dalam tubuh. Dan dalam kasus ini, parasetamol tersebut memang tidak akan memberikan khasiat dalam menurunkan suhu tubuh. Dengan kata lain, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penetapan dan pemilihan dosis obat bukanlah hal yang main-main. Serangkaian penelitian harus dilaksanakan untuk memperoleh data tentang dosis ini.
Di dalam ilmu farmasi, hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan dosis obat banyak di bahas dalam topik farmakokinetika. Tak hanya itu, farmakokinetika membahas segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan perjalanan obat di dalam tubuh sampai obat tersebut dikeluarkan dari dalam tubuh.
Karena banyak sekali yang perlu anda ketahui tentang obat-obat yang anda minum, maka jangan ragu untuk menanyakannya kepada apoteker anda. Apoteker adalah orang yang semestinya dapat menyelamatkan anda dari "jahatnya" obat dan merubahnya menjadi sesuatu yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup anda.
Oh ya... Barangkali perlu saya sampaikan bahwa minum separuh dosis sebenarnya memang ada kok. Misalnya pada pasien anak.
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ask your pharmacist,
tanya apoteker
Mencari tuhan

Salah satu kalimat penuh makna yang pernah dilontarkan oleh salah seorang ulama: "Anda boleh pilih, silakan sholat dengan sholat yang layak untuk Allah, atau silakan cari tuhan yang layak untuk shalat anda".
Kalimat kaya makna ini juga bisa kita qiyaskan untuk semua jenis amal ibadah.
"Anda boleh pilih, berpuasalah dengan puasa uang layak untuk Allah atau carilah tuhan yang layak untuk puasa anda"
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Proposal of life

I got another cleaning up session in this room and I found this beyond the books. A piece of paper titled "God, this is proposal of my life" containing a passage about something big
Seemed nothing special with this passage but how it was written. It was the 7th meeting of Pharmacy English Club on 25 June 2010 that provided a discussion about life performed by a friend named Viki Hestiarini. It was such a great talk, and a lil' bit serious. Every one should make expectations about who they would be and things they would own a couple years later.
Something made me laughed at my self while reading this note was what I expected for my upcoming ten years. I had expected to own a hospital, a campus, and a house *a big one. It ain't impossible I guess, but I just thought that laughing at what I dreamed was a bit silly, and reflecting self depreciation.
I don't know, but I am trying to :)
Kripik Berlada

I got 2 bags *honestly, the red one remains empty. But the blue one is fully loaded :)
By the way, I used to participate in student events e.g. seminar, symposium, congress etc. whether national or international. The local students in here tend to give this kind of souvenir for the speaker, moderator, or adjudicator --> "Kripik Balado" (Spicy Chips). It's probably like potato chip, but it's not made of potato: it's cassava root. Kripk Balado is specific souvenir in here, West Sumatera Province.
Wanna taste? Be here in 2 hours ;)
Ubuntu Geek

I tried to use this open source operating system a few years ago for the 1st time. Nothing exceeded my expectation that time. But then curiosity defeats everything that I am now a ubuntu user. Ubuntu 11.04 works with me.
It was a bit strange for me why there should be other computer operating systems. Isn't microsoft enough for people? *this was my thought, last decade.
Then, after having my own PC, I tried Win XP. Then got bored with this one and wanted to try something new. I installed Ubuntu 6.06. But it was lack of fun as I couldn't play the music and videos. Then, I got my own internet connection. Updating any packages would be easy after all.
Ubuntu is not the only non-microsoft OS I have tried. I also have Android for PC in my EeePC.
Anywhore, about the picture above, I found these CDs in this morning cleaning up session :) Recently, I didn't request the CD anymore. I just downloaded the latest version over the internet
Surgeon wanna be?

No no no... I don't wanna be a surgeon, not even a doctor. But sometimes, I do what surgeon and doctor do. I administer injections, I perform some surgical procedures, and I do it pretty much. But not to patients, coz we have so many animal patients here... mice and rats.
But, today's challenge is really really terrifying... I can just be haunted for the rest of my life due to what I do today. I DEAL WITH STREPTOZOTOCIN, GUYS.... *screaming... You know what...? Streptozotocin (STZ) is an antineoplastic that should be really really careful to handle. Besides, dealing with it requires special room equipped with special materials. Employees should wear special astronaut-like suit, special respirator, and many other requirements based on its SOP.
Anyway, I use double gloves for more safety *the SOP actually recommends to use three :(
Oh God, STZ please be kind with my body cells :((

Shopping for groceries, traditionally.
Anyway, I really wonder why it's difficult to have a clean traditional market... The government should figure out why. Is it the people? The policy? The place? Or what...
Traditional market should not be organized traditionally. We need to put a few advances in here.
Oh ya, I sometimes shop in this market. I mean, I accompany my mother to shop in here :)
Become webmaster

Such a good thing to do in weekend.
This weekend we organize a special training aimed to generate a few other webmasters in faculty of Pharmacy. It's now quite difficult to find students capable of organizing a website, especially for students' organization. I think I am terribly worried about this
An amount of 5 students participate in this simple training. Organized in the office of students executive board of Pharmacy Faculty, they should bring their own laptops as the wireless internet connection is available in here...
Anyway, this training is perhaps a good thing to do in weekend, but not in the middle of examination week. Haha... they couldn't stand the training a little bit longer as tomorrow's exam is haunting them...
Pasir Sabalah

Mak Apuak Lounge, good spot for lunch.
It's the first time for me to see this beach. This place is not quite common as "place to visit" in Padang. But, when I realized this wonderful beach, I think I'll be frequently visiting this place.
Hmm... It's not actually the beach alone, but the lunch menu who would attract people to come again. It's Mak Apuak who run a far-from-restaurant business. But the taste of her cook are side by side from what we usually enjoy at the restaurant. Really delicious
Ai vi ai vi si

It sounds a bit weird "ai vi ai vi si". It actually stands for "in vitro in vivo correlation", a class that I should attend for this morning. But, something just happened with my motor cycle *guess what...
I have planned to reach Padang before 9.30 AM, the hour that the class will start. I am ready to get my 126k journey by motor cycle from Payakumbuh to Padang. But, sometimes *and perhaps, every time* we can just arrange the planning. God decides my dear... and what He decides is what we deserve.
So, I am gonna miss at least one class from three classes we have today...
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